GUIDE to Flee the Facility
QW(as)007Flee the Facility is an escape game created by ROBLOX user MrWindy. The game is a teamwork game in which up to four people are designated either as “survivors” or as “beasts”. As the survivor, your aim is to escape from the facility as fast as you can and avoid the beast. You need to hack computers to exit. As the beast, your main goal is to capture all survivors before they successfully escape from the facility as fast as possible. The game is proceeded round by round, and at the end of each round, you will see how much XP and currency you have gained. The volume of XP and currency depends on how successful you played your role in the game. XP will be reflected in the level system meaning you will have a higher level when you gain more XP. You can use the currency to buy crates and cosmetics from the store to upgrade and enhance your power and ability. And you can trade the cosmetics at the Trade Hub.
How To Be A Good Survivor In This Game?
➤ As a survivor, you need to find and hack 5 computers. But with fewer participants in the round, the number of computers you need to hack can be less correspondingly.
➤ Teamwork is essential. Try to work with other survivors to finish the computer faster.
➤ Beasts are equipped with glowing gemstones of different colors. Leverage the glowing gemstone to alert when beasts are close. Further, you will also hear certain music or soundtrack when beasts are nearby. And you may also hear the heartbeat of the beasts.
➤ Never forget that as a survivor you have the skill to quickly crawl and jump through windows.
➤ Use the third view to see where beasts stay and move in multiple directions.
➤ Stay alert and never let beasts be too close as they have the sprint ability to chase after survivors, in which case, you are easily outrun.
➤ Sometimes you can save or free your teammates from being captured by the beast but make sure you are safe.
➤ To hack the computer, run close to it and press the “E” key. After the process is initiated, all survivors need to press the “E” key simultaneously when certain popups occur. Otherwise, an error message will show up, and this will give the beasts where the survivors locate.
➤ Colors on the computer screen present different information. Green means that the computer is successfully hacked, blue means that the process of hacking is not finished yet or the computer has never been identified, and red means that one of the survivors fail to press the “E” key at the same time with other players.
➤ After all 5 computers are hacked, survivors must go to the exit door and initiate the opening process. When you hear a grating sound by the beast, just simply walk through the exit door and win this round.
How To Be A Good Beast In This Game?
➤ There is always just one beast in each round.
➤ Leverage the sprint ability to capture survivors.
➤ Leverage your hammer to temporarily knock out the survivors with just one hit. After your successful attack, drag the survivors to the cryogenic chamber for freezing them. But be careful with other survivors as they may rescue the trapped ones.
➤ You will only have a first-person perspective and no third-person view as a survivor. But you will get higher XP and currency if you win the game a beast.
➤ Use your ability to run by pressing the “Q” key on the PC to speed up. But the disadvantage of this function is that you cannot jump at the moment.
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GUIDE to Bee Swarm Simulator
Bee Swarm Simulator is one of the moody famous online multiplayer games made by Onett. The main purpose of the game is pretty obvious based on the name, hatch bees and collect pollen to make honey. The game was developed and released in March 2018. Bees are the main key factor of the game. They are like the players’ companions and they accompany players from field to field to collect pollen automatically. Another fascinating feature of bees is that they protect beekeepers also known as the player for mobs.
Bee Swarm Simulator is a game that is bee-related, so all the activities are pretty much bee-related The game starts with an intro tutorial l which you can choose to skip if you are familiar enough with the game itself and when you are close to one of the 6 hives, you can claim one of them. After you receive your favorite hive, the game comes with an egg and bag and also a scooper which will be useful for collecting pollen from the field. The bag you received will be storing the collected pollen. When you are at your hive, the bees inside the hive will automatically transfer pollen to honey. Also, keep in mind, that hatching more bee eggs and gathering the swarms will help the efficiency of collecting pollen. Honey is the universal currency where you will be able to buy new tools, eggs, and all sorts of other items to progress further in the Bee Swarm Simulator.
Missions are the major game mechanism of the game. Within different types of missions, after finishing them, you can further progress the game. So in some way, missions are the founder stone of the game, it’s not 100 percent required to do to have a good time in the game, but honestly, it’s recommended. You can receive missions from random NPCs, where they ask you to collect pollen, but sometimes, there is more you can do, such as collecting goo and others.
For beginners, codes can be a really helpful tool to start up a nice head start, making your life so much easier to expand your hive. And personally speaking, I would recommend buying as many eggs as possible at your start. And certainly, you can check oftentimes on the codes page to stay updated, join the game communication club and gain more in-game resources and free codes. Oh, just in case you forgot, you will always have to pay special attention to missions since they are the key in this game which means you will have to progress quests when you are free from other things. There is also a trick you can do for the process of transforming pollen into honey. You are suggested to stay in the nearest white circle near the hive which will minimize the time-consuming process. Just like in real life shopping, in the game of Bee swarm Simulator, you will have to aim for the best price in the shop so keep that in your mind!
Interestingly, this game sort of reminds me of Euro Truck Simulator, knowing that the only common thing they share is the word “simulator”. But I love the creator’s idea of putting us into the form of an animal to experience it from a new angle. The game provides a lot of knowledge to the audience as well when people are enjoying the game. You probably will learn the bee’s life cycle imperceptibly. And I’m super impressed by how much new ideology I learned from just starting with the game. In conclusion, this game is well-designed and suitable for all generations to play.
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GUIDE to Epic Minigames
Epic Minigames, like what its name has implied, is a collection of minigames. While Epic Minigames was created by TypicalTimes, these more than a hundred minigames in that community were developed by multiple developers. In Epic Minigames, players play a randomly selected game each round, and each minigame lasts for about one minute. You can leave freely after each round, or you can stay for the next round (endlessly). If you die in one game, you will automatically return to the lobby. If you win a game, you will get 10 coins with which you can buy pets, words, or other decorations for your avatar.
The game is challenging because each round is new if you just started to play the game. So, first I will give you some general advice.
1. Familiarize yourself with the keyboard and the mouse control when you are in the lobby. For example, the mouse can rotate the camera, WSAD moves the avatar, and Space is for jumping.
2. Before the start of each minigame, a line of instruction will appear on the top of the screen to inform you of the following event. Read them carefully and pay attention to what will occur later on.
3. If you don’t know what to do, try to press the Space, left-click on the mouse, or use WSAD to move the character. One of them must work.
4. Don’t worry about losing a game, since you are learning from it.
Next, I will give you specific tips for five games that you will be likely to encounter. Although some minigames are hard and do require practice (e.g., Shark Survival, King of the Hill), most of them are fairly easy if you know the rule.
1. Round Race: Your avatar is in a ball, and you need to roll the ball to the end of the highway in order to get the treasure. It is not the faster the better in this game because if you are too fast, you will fall off and not be able to get to the end within 60 seconds. Make sure to control the speed when turning. Don’t hold the forward button all the time because you will easily lose control.
2. Fishing Frenzy: Your goal is to direct a fishing line and catch as many fish as you can. There are three types of fish: common grey fish (worth 1 point), fast yellow fish (worth 3 points), and shark. You need to avoid sharks since they will bite your line for a few seconds and waste your time. If you want to catch more fish, you need to guarantee that each time you will catch a fish. So, it may not be a good idea to only stare at the yellow fish. If you can consistently catch grey fish, it is enough for you to win the game.
3. Gear Battle: Random weapons will appear when the game starts. Your goal is to be one of the three players that stay alive. You can either choose to pick up a weapon or just avoid being attacked. If you pick up a weapon, make sure to use the left-click on the mouse to shoot.
4. Castle Clash: This is a team game. At the beginning of the game, you are randomly assigned to one of the two teams. Your goal is to use the sword in your hand to kill members of the other team. To achieve this, you need to go out of the castle and click on the mouse to attack your enemies.
5. Spiky Spinner: In this game, a controller will be randomly selected to control the spiky spinner. The rest of the players need to avoid being killed by the machine. If you are the controller, remember to use WASD to control the spinner. The speed of the spinner will increase if you hold the direction button for some time, but it will also be harder to turn around. If you are not the controller, make sure to keep moving, but not in one direction, taking advantage of the clumsy machine that can only change directions slowly.
In short, this game is a good choice for having fun in your leisure time. Although most of the minigames are relatively simple and easy to play, and each minigame lasts for a relatively short period of time, this game will still be enjoyable to play because of the excitement brought about by the randomness of the following games and the motivating daily missions.
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GUIDE to Hide and Seek Extreme
Hide and Seek Extreme was developed by a Roblox developer named Tim7775, and the game has had about 2 billion visits since its release in 2015. The logic of the game is so simple that grade school students can grasp and play with great excitement. At the beginning of the game, a random map will be chosen from six maps, and a player will be chosen randomly to be the “IT”, which is the seeker. Players that are not chosen as a seeker will be hiders. The goal of the seeker is to find all hiders within a time frame, and the goal of the hiders is to hide well and not be found. During the game, players are able to collect gold coins (credits), which can be used to buy “it” characters, pets or decorations.
Playing as the hider
Since the “IT” is chosen randomly based on probability, during the first rounds, it is highly likely that you will play as the hider. First, you will have 60 seconds to find a place to hide. Then, the seeker has 4 minutes to find everyone. Your goal is not to be found. If you achieve this goal, you will get 10 credits at the end of the round. The maps are oversized, which means compared to the avatar, the map is huge, so there are tons of places to hide. There are a few tips for you to hide well.
1. Be familiar with the maps first and do not rush to choose a spot to hide. It is always a good choice to be far from the place where players spawn.
2. Keep moving. Note that in the bottom left of the screen there is a number indicating how far the “IT” is away from you. Pay attention to the number and be prepared when the seeker is getting closer.
3. Spectating “IT”. There is a button in the upper right of the screen called “Spectate it”, which can help you monitor the “IT”’s movement.
4. Take advantage of the bounce pads and teleporters. Bounce pads can not only help you reach coins but also help you escape because when you step on a bounce pad, you can choose on which layer of the shelf to land and in which direction you jump. Sometimes the seeker will get lost because of the uncertainty brought about by the bounce pad.
5. Watch out for cameras and glue. The good news is that the two are easy to spot if you know them. Make sure not to be caught by cameras and not step on the glue drop.
Playing as the “IT”
If you are selected as the “IT”, you will be seeking all hiders in the following round. You spawn at the same place as other players, but you are frozen, giving hiders 60 seconds to find a place to hide. If you find one hider, you will get 5 credits. The “IT” wins only when all hiders are found, so it is very hard for the “IT” to find all players. Here are some tips that hopefully will help you find as many hiders as possible.
1. You can use the frozen time to zoom out and view the layout of the room and pay attention to the directions the players go. Getting the bigger picture will give you clues about where they hide.
2. The “IT” has three characteristics that can facilitate their catching.
➤ Glue: you can put a drop of glue in a spot to trap hiders. The time when the glue is more useful is when you find some players who may be hiding somewhere, but don't want to spook them, you can put some glue there and then come back after a while to check.
➤ Camera: you can place cameras at a higher place so that it will help you speculate hiders.
➤ Sprint: Time is precious. Use sprint when you find a target to help you save some seconds.
Overall, although the logic of the game is simple, it is still very addictive. The intense excitement of hiding and the ambition of finding hiders are the factors that make this game very popular. Hopefully, these tips will give you a greater sense of accomplishment in the game.
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GUIDE to Build A Boat For Treasure
Built A Boat for Treasure is a well-known popular game that you might be assuming from the name already, you will build up your boat to focus on finding treasures. Just like in reality you will be needing resources/materials to build up your boat. You will always have to make sure that your boat survives the perilous seas and travels to the end of the map. The game supports around 10 other languages besides English. You also don’t necessarily have to play the game on a PC or a laptop. You have the choice to download the game from the apple store or the Google play store as well. So this game is phone friendly as well.
Players start on a large flat area, where surrounded by hills, so in reality, your only hope is to leave. You can use the hammer tool to put objects in the inventory. The weakest material is Woodblock and the strongest is the Gold Block. I would recommend you to get the property “screwdriver” which allows players to change the blocks’ transparency, etc. And once you are ready for sailing, you can choose to save the build and start sailing in the great ocean. Starting sailing, the game will automatically generate a large patch of water which will be the large channel for the newly built boat pushing it forward for the exploration of adventure. The ship often time will encounter obstacles during sailing, like rockets that can break the boat or the large cannon that’s being fired at the boat. There is also something called geysers which will shoot your boat high up and make it flip over. Your job is to travel through the obstacles and survive to get the chest with gold inside so you can improve your build on the boat. There is more than just exploring the water. Quests are available to be found and finished. Well, you can also choose a team and help to build a team efforts boat. The team leader will have a “crown” to be indicated. The process of building the boat can be totally up to you, it’s like Minecraft, where you collect objects and resources and then use your imagination to build the boat. This is kid-friendly which means the board doesn’t have to exactly so-called “a boat” to flow on the water. You can build it however you want it to be, it can be a hot dog, a cat, or whatever. This is a quite flexible game where you can even try to build a boat that flies which you can achieve by making specific designs.
If you are suffering from not enough gold or resources, codes are there to help you to gain free gold and blocks. Again, I think this is a good game, especially since it does expire kids to design and imagine since the game’s targeted audience is kids. One thing I realized that the game can improve is that there’s not a lot of interaction that can be done during the build or the exploration process. People can form teams but that’s simply it. It would be undoubtedly more fun and interesting to play if you can help other boats from sailing to their destination and gain gold for that or another way around, intervening them from going to the “treasure.”The average time an average person spent on this game is relatively short because as mentioned just then, the features that players have control over are limited. Overall, this game provides players with a lot of leisure and relaxing time to use their imagination to start sailing!
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GUIDE to Super Hero Tycoon
Super Hero Tycoon is a Tycoon game created by Super HerosTM. In the gameplay, you build up your tycoon with one of the ten well-known superheroes either in the comic book or those we are quite familiar with on the movie screen. There are Batman, Superman, Spiderman, Black Panther, the Hulk, Thor, and so on. This game is like the founder of all the other similar games, but the majority of them are AD-deceiving games that try to get kids/teenagers into a scam.
Ok, the game is quite simple, so at the beginning of the game you will automatically spawn in the middle of the map and you can choose whoever you want to be. If you picked a tycoon, then you buy droppers to make money. And you can buy multiple droppers to make a larger amount of cash as well! You might be confused about what are droppers. Droppers simply drop blocks that travel on Conveyer and disappear then turns into cash. The value of cash depends on the Dropper itself’s value. So another question might as well pop up: “how do you increase the value of the droppers?” You will need to obtain upgrades to increase the blocks that get dropped by the droppers. Other than that, don’t forget that Cash collectors are required to get the cash. Well, when you’re sufficient on cash after this kind of complicated process, you can build up your Tycoon with more droppers and unlock new items. You can as well as to battle with another player to gain extra power upgrades. Well, if you’d like to battle, you are better off with snipers or pistols whichever you’d like. This game also offers you a variety of weapons with special abilities which is quite cool if you are used to the other FPS games. If you are the type of guy, who is obsessed with building stuff. This game might not be the best fit, but you are still able to build stuff if you want to! You can choose to buy the stars, the walls, the lights and so on. So you can pretty much build up a base. If you, unfortunately, lost the battle and died, you will respawn back in your Tycoon, but, the price is to recollect all the gears necessary. On the other hand, if you want allies or just simply have a friend playing with you at the same server, you can most definitely invite them to your base to either visit or just hang out. You can choose to have your own private server if you rathered at the same time. Just be cautious to turn off your base’s “security system” will you will get killed if you by crossing the door without permission. Furthermore, in each base, you can have a lot of opinions on inventories of weapons. Some of the weapons are uniquely designed to be just like famous weapons in the Movies series, such as the lightsaber from StarWars.
Overall, this is a nice game to hang out with friends and upgrade your way to becoming a superhero in the game. If you delve into the game itself, you will also realize that there are quite a lot of codes that you can use to either get coins or special abilities sort of like “money drop” from GTA V online which is considered cheating but still a ton of people do it. The game is still being constantly updated and there are still around 10k average players each day. If you want to have a good time being a superhero, this is most definitely your go-to place.
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Royale High is a Roblox game published by NightBarbie on April 10, 2017. Players can use their scepters to teleport through schools of magic and explore secrets while traveling and play fun games where they dress up and role-play. The fun thing about Royale High is that it allows players to visit different themed areas to collect items and interact with other players continuously. Players can experience the great pleasure of competing, talking, and hanging out with friends in different style locations in this spectacular game world.
Royale High is designed for players to progress through completing missions and interacting with other companions to enter the game's level leaderboards. It allows players to perform fun in-game tasks, send messages to their buddies, and can accumulate energy to earn diamonds for dress-up and character upgrades. Of course, these experiences of players will take place in different themed worlds. This is an important factor for players not to get bored. In addition, the game regularly has many seasonal events, such as badges or other bonus activities for players. The way players can move up the game leaderboards is by completing more different tasks in more areas.
Players can check in at Royale High every day and will be rewarded after a certain number of check-ins. It takes about half an hour to an hour for players to play each game of Royale High. Players can play by themselves or participate in 100-player online games.
Royale High contains many themed worlds, including Enchantix High, Sunset Island, Classic Royale High, Apartments, Fantasia Getaway Resort, Royal High School New Campus, Earth Field, Battle A La Royale, Davinia Park. These spaces all have different ways of playing that allow players to earn diamonds or level up.
♦ First of all, the Enchantix High in the game is a space for players to role-play, and they can earn diamonds for dressing up here by taking classes. It is also the oldest field in Royale High.
♦ Followed by Sunset Island. It's a world where players go on beauty pageants and earn diamonds. Players need to register to participate and equip their characters here, and players can get diamonds by voting and participating in two ways.
♦ The third space is Classic Royale High. It's also possible to get diamonds by going to school, and it's the first world to be dominated by schools.
♦ Fourth, the apartment is a mansion for players to live and relax. It is a place with a bedroom, living area and kitchen. Players can sleep here or have a party with friends and earn diamonds accordingly.
♦ The fifth is the hotel area in the game, Fantasia Getaway Resort. Players can work or live here.
♦ The sixth is the new Royal High School campus that allows players to participate in dance competitions with friends.
♦ Seventh, players can spin the wheel and look for diamonds in the earth domain, because this is a small-town space where you can drive a car.
♦ The eighth is Battle A La Royale. Here players can play mini-games and earn diamonds after winning, such as bow and arrow shooting games.
♦ Last is Davinia Park. This is a park with abundant trees. Players can obtain its aura from the in-game Dream Fountain.
You can access Roblox games without a subscription, although many families opt for paid subscriptions that grant access to in-game features and Robux currency without the risk of personal transactions. Outside of the game, you can make bigger purchases.
The subscription grants 450 Robux per month plus discounts on buying more Robux and selling and trading items with other subscribed Roblox players. Games often encourage Robux consumption progress, as a portion of the money spent goes to the people who create the game. Offers additional in-game purchases for experience-enhancing items.
Royale High allows players to play this game online without a subscription, however, if players opt for a paid subscription, it grants access to in-game features and Robux currency. Players can also purchase items at Royale High to equip new styles or to speed up the leveling up of game characters. Buyable items include the ability to make game characters move quickly, sticker pack passes, hair colors, different kinds of diamonds, special fabric designs, and more. Players can also get Halo Mystery Boxes in different areas. It will give players auras of different rarities. After the player reaches level 75, the player can trade. They can trade with other players through the Interstellar Trading Center. But this requires players to choose and carry out carefully.
Overall, Royale High is an excellent role-playing sim. It currently supports multiple system platforms, including iOS, Android, Mac, PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. If players are looking for a fun magic school-themed game where players can communicate and challenge each other, then don't miss this Royale High in Roblox.
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GUIDE to Brookhaven
Released in 2020, the Brookhaven is a role-playing game created by Roblox players Wolfpaq and Aidanleewolf. The game offers a scenario of a real town with multiple different buildings, such as a store, church, school, and playground, and you can roam around and engage in a variety of activities. You can build your own house in the game, get a pool in your garden, rob a house of others, or even rob a bank. You can also create and customize your avatar, get a job, and make purchases. The game is quite casual and is super easy to start. The game doesn’t feature any in-game currency, which makes the game a pure entertaining project. Players will have most of the in-game items when you just start the game, houses, vehicles, and other tools are all free. So you will never feel exhausted to fight and work for resources like people always do in other games. You can just enjoy the fun of role-playing in this game. There are many things you can do in the game, especially things you cannot do in the reality:
➤ You can get your house for free. After you start the game, first explore the city, and find your favorite part of the land to build your house. You can drive randomly through the streets of the town until you find the place you like. You need to make sure an icon with “Vacant” on it is located on the land you like, and this way you are able to claim the land and purchase a house. Please note that you shall not be able to select a “Star” house.
➤ To rob, a house, first find a target house that is not locked. If the owner locked the door, there is no way to get inside the house. Then find the safe, in most cases, it is put on the second or the third floor of the house and is in the closet. Use the bomb in your bag and blow the safe. Finally, grab the cash from the safe. Remember to move as fast as you can and escape immediately after you grab all the cash as the owner of the house may come back anytime and lock you inside the house.
➤ You can also choose to rob a bank if you would like to get a lot of money in a very quick way. The process of robbing a bank is more complicated than robbing a house. You need to get the green keycard first to open the locked door on the second floor of the bank building. The key is easily found as it can be found on the first floor and close to the manager’s desk. Pick it up by clicking on it on your screen. Then you will get to the vault which is the core of your action of robbing the bank. You need to use your bomb to blow up the vault. After the vault is opened by the explosion break, it is time to grab the large bags of money and put them into your bag. Remember to escape as quickly as you can as the alert is also activated when you blow the vault, and the police will come very fast.
➤ You can find a job by just entering any store that interests you and you easily change your job anytime in the game. You can get the job by simply clicking on the icon with the job name on it. You can also quit the job or take a break from the same operation. By working for a store, you will earn money and use it to buy necessary items in the game.
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